Flos, the renowned Italian lighting company, has produced yet another masterpiece in the form of the IC C/W1. Designed by Michael Anastassiades, this minimalist lighting fixture is the perfect blend of form and function. With its simple spherical shape and perfectly balanced metal arm, it is a statement piece that blends seamlessly into any decor style. In this article, we will take a closer look at the IC C/W1 and explore the reasons why it is a favorite among interior designers and design enthusiasts.
The Design
At first glance, the IC C/W1 appears to be nothing more than a simple glass sphere suspended on a metal arm. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the design is meticulously crafted to achieve a sense of balance and harmony. The sphere is made of opal glass, which diffuses the light and creates a soft and warm glow. The metal arm, which comes in a variety of finishes, is perfectly curved to create a visual tension with the sphere. The tension created by the two elements creates a sense of equilibrium, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional.
The Functionality
The IC C/W1 is not just a beautiful object, it is also highly functional. The lamp can be used in a variety of settings, including as a bedside lamp or as a wall sconce in a hallway. The combination of the soft, diffused light and the minimalist design means that the IC C/W1 can be used to create a calming and soothing atmosphere. Additionally, the lamp is dimmable, allowing users to adjust the light intensity to suit their needs.
The Materials
One of the most compelling aspects of the IC C/W1 is the quality of the materials used in its construction. The sphere is made from opal glass, which not only diffuses the light but also gives the lamp a sense of weightlessness. The metal arm is made from either brushed brass, chrome, or black finish, which not only provides a touch of elegance but also ensures that the lamp is durable and long-lasting.
The Flos IC C/W1 is a masterpiece of minimalist lighting design. Its simple, spherical shape and perfectly balanced metal arm make it a statement piece that blends seamlessly into any decor style. The opal glass sphere provides a warm and diffused light, and the metal arm creates a visual tension that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The lamp’s versatility means it can be used in a variety of settings, creating a calming and soothing atmosphere. If you are looking for a beautiful and functional lamp, the IC C/W1 is an excellent choice.