
Indonesia is a country that is renowned for its natural beauty. Many travelers flock to this Southeast Asian nation to witness its pristine beaches, lush jungles, and diverse wildlife. However, what often goes unnoticed is the allure of Indonesian lights. When the sun sets, a magical transformation occurs, and the country’s streets, buildings, and landmarks come alive with an array of dazzling lights.

The Diversity of Indonesian Lights

Indonesia is home to over 300 ethnic groups, each with its own unique culture and traditions. This diversity is reflected in the country’s lightscape. From the ornately decorated temples of Bali to the neon-lit skyscrapers of Jakarta, Indonesia’s lights offer a glimpse into the varied lifestyles and beliefs of its people.


The island of Bali is renowned for its ornate Hindu temples, which are adorned with intricate carvings, vibrant colors, and traditional ornaments. These temples are especially enchanting at night when they are illuminated by soft, warm lights that highlight their exquisite details. Balinese lanterns and traditional Keroncong music playing in the background create an otherworldly atmosphere that transports visitors to another time and place.


In contrast, the bustling city of Jakarta is a modern metropolis that boasts towering skyscrapers, sleek bridges, and a dynamic nightlife. The city’s lightscape is characterized by flashy neon signs, towering LED screens, and colorful street lighting. The famous Monas tower, one of Jakarta’s most iconic landmarks, is particularly impressive at night, when it is bathed in a warm golden glow.

The Spiritual Significance of Indonesian Lights

In addition to their aesthetic value, Indonesian lights also hold significant spiritual meaning. In many parts of the country, lights are used during religious ceremonies and festivals to symbolize the presence of the divine. For example, during the annual Nyepi Day celebration in Bali, the island’s streets are illuminated by flickering torches that represent the triumph of good over evil.

Ramadan in Yogyakarta

Ramadan is a month-long Islamic festival that is observed by Muslims worldwide. In Yogyakarta, a city in central Java, Ramadan is celebrated with a unique tradition called Grebeg Maulud, which involves the lighting of thousands of oil lamps on the streets. The lamps are arranged in intricate patterns and spell out religious messages, signifying the arrival of the holy prophet Muhammad.

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